Time is a Thief

Time is a thief, they say.

Last week I packed up the burp cloths—threadbare pieces of fabric that have been puked on no less than 800 times. Was it really only eight months ago that I placed her on a beach towel after every nursing session, knowing what was to come?

It didn’t matter. She’d barf on the beach towel and then spit up all over me. If I had a dollar for every time regurgitated milk rolled off the burp cloth and onto me, my shirt, my skin, down my bra, I’d be a rich woman. Maybe I could take that money and head to Shark Tank with one of my best ideas: a burp cloth that is also a poncho.

I remember thinking—once a day, at least—I cannot wait for this phase to end.

I cannot wait to not be covered in spit-up. I cannot wait to wear cute clothes. I cannot wait to stop doing this much laundry. I cannot wait for our sheets to not smell like milk.

And here we are.
On the other side.
Only nursing twice a day.

My milk is drying up. I can feel it. I am still putting lactation potion into my orange juice and polishing off the last of the cookies filled with brewer’s yeast, desperate to hold on—just a few more days, a few more weeks. I swapped my second cup of coffee for Mother’s Milk tea yesterday. Please. Just a little longer.

I recently went away overnight, a New Years tradition of sorts. I hardly pumped anything the whole time I was gone. When I came home and unpacked my bag, I realized that was probably the last time I’ll ever use a breast pump.

I’ve had that machine since 2012.

Can you believe I’m mourning this? What I wouldn’t give to be puked on one last time. What I wouldn’t give to sit one last time while a torture device milks me like a cow. What I wouldn’t give to hold that version of her one last time—tiny, six pounds, smelling of milk and grapefruit soap and innocence.

Time is a thief, they say.

They were right.

All photos, a mix of digital + film, by Tara Whitney.

Ashlee Gadd

Ashlee Gadd is a wife, mother, writer and photographer from Sacramento, California. When she’s not dancing in the kitchen with her two boys, Ashlee loves curling up with a good book, lounging in the sunshine, and making friends on the Internet. She loves writing about everything from motherhood and marriage to friendship and faith.


Happy birthday, baby girl.


Christmas morning in photos.